Nigeria Up-close
Nigeria has the largest population in Africa, reaching nearly 200 million inhabitants very soon. It is the land of various cultures and many different languages with one thing in common: An increasing consumption of wheat flour! Traditionally, wheat flour has been used for bread, but more recently also for pasta production.
The Nigerian population has always been on the move and the cities are everything but traffic jam free! Many goods are therefore sold out in the open, with bread being the most sold product on the streets.
Bread in Nigeria is quite demanding in terms of flour as most bakeries are not fully equipped with the best facilities. Besides that, the climate is also challenging as it is hot and humid. And the use of 5-10% cassava in bread flour is mandatory in Nigeria. Moreover, the recent drop in the currency forces the flour mills to be even more creative in their wheat purchases. On top of it all, the installed milling capacity in Nigeria exceeds the required one by far! Overall, it can be said that the production of bread is highly challenging in Nigeria, also due to the fact that bread consumption varies seasonally as other starchy products are harvested throughout the year, which makes the prices very competitive.
As mentioned before, the Nigerian market is very challenging and competitive. However, besides their raw material wheat, flour mills have enzyme blends and other additives to upgrade their flour. And this is where Quattro steps in.
At Quattro we have;
– decennia of expertise in the Nigerian market
– access to the latest enzyme concentrates (in terms of quality, quantity and price/performance
– in-depth expertise of baking and the local conditions in Nigeria
– contact with the flour mills on a one-on-one level
– partnership with a senior company in the field, Montizen
Besides the above mentioned points, we are also familiar with the NAFDAC registrations.
Quattro will continue to serve the market on a tailor made basis with new innovative ingredients and blends. Our expertise in grains also allows us to offer mills new insights in other parts of their milling processes, such a extraction rate optimisation.
And once again, our recent trip to Nigeria was filled with experiences to remember while looking at many different ways to serve the Nigerian market!